The World the Children Made
In this project, I try to express "children's world" more realistically and more positively than Ray Bradbury's short story "The World the Children Made", by narrowing down the subject to children from the main project "Something Here".
When I looked at their world the children of today show from time to time, I have remembered that I learned about an individual and society there, and that "time" and that "smell" were certainly over there too. I think this time retraces our own past, in other words, it may be replaced with "Save" in today's society.
At that time, I strongly feel that I want to regain their world in the place to be, it has been removed from contemporary society and it has been rebuilt in the virtual/cyberspace, and it's an essential element for form the city space that can coexist with natural environments.
このプロジェクトでは、メインプロジェクト"Something Here"の中から主題を「子供達」に絞ることによって、ブラッドベリが1950年に発表した短編作品"The World the Children Made"の中に描いた「子供達の世界」を私なりによりポジティブにまたよりリアルに表現できないか試みている。