
Lightra 400 for Lightroom Mobile/PC Presets

The Comparisons between the original images shot with an iPhone, Fuji X100, Nikon D700, Leica M9P, and Leica M10RBP, processed into Lightra 400, alongside the actual Leica MP shot on Portra 400 at the same location.

My original Lightroom preset, "Lightra 400," easily gives JPEG/RAW from iPhones, smartphones, and compact cameras a Portra 400 look using the free Lightroom Mobile app. It’s now available for purchase. It also works with other formats, including RAW files from Fuji, Nikon, and more. I don’t personally use it on PC, but since it comes as a DNG file, it’s compatible with Lightroom and Photoshop Camera Raw there too.

This preset is meticulously fine-tuned to match the basic scanned look of Kodak Portra 400 that I achieve at home. It’s useful for previewing the film-like results before shooting with actual film or as a quick reference.
Here’s my workflow: I shoot with my iPhone, import the photos into Lightroom Mobile, apply a preset, and share them as they are without further editing. I copy the photo and paste it directly into social media like text, without saving it to my camera roll or Lightroom. When I want to fine-tune an image, I usually just adjust the white balance, exposure, and contrast—that's enough for me.

I used to sell this privately to interested individuals, but now it is available for ¥10,000 via PayPay or $70 via PayPal. After making the payment, please contact me via Instagram/Facebook DM or email, and I will send you the download link for the RAW files with the preset already applied.

Lightra 400 Standard & Lightra 400 Soft Set
PayPal: $70USD or PayPay shinnoguchijp: ¥10,000JPY
***Please do not share the contents of this preset or make joint purchases. When an update is released, I will change the file name and announce it on social media, so please download the latest version.

I also want to thank everyone enjoying the Lightra presets by sharing "Lightra VLLO," an original effect for the free video editing app VLLO that I personally use. Check out the sample video on YouTube: landscape ver. / portrait ver.

Lightroomモバイル/PC用プリセット「Lightra 400」

写真は、iPhone、Fuji X100、Nikon D700、Leica M9P、Leica M10RBPで撮影した原画をライトラ化した結果、それと実際にその場でLeica MPで撮影したポートラ400との比較です。

iPhoneなどのスマホやコンデジで撮影したJPEG/RAWを、無料のLightroomモバイル版で手軽にPortra 400化するオリジナルのLightroomプリセット「Lightra 400」を販売中です。もちろん、JPEG以外のFuji・NikonなどのRAWデータにも使用可能です。また自分は普段使用していませんが、共有するDNGファイルを読み込めるPC版LightroomやPhotoshop Camera Rawでも使えます。

普段自宅でスキャンしているKodak Portra 400のベーシックな仕上がりに合わせて細部までこだわって調整したプリセットです。実際にフィルムで撮影する前の仕上がり確認やメモ代わりにも使えると思います。


Lightra 400通常版と効果弱版のセット
PayPay shinnoguchijp:10,000円、またはPayPal: $70USD

また、Lightraプリセットを楽しんでくれている皆様に感謝を込めて、普段自分が動画編集用に使っている《無料》で使用可能なアプリ「VLLO」用のオリジナルエフェクト「Lightra VLLO」もシェアしています。YouTubeで比較動画をチェックしてみてください:横向き版 / 縦向き版
